2008 is quickly coming to a close. overall it has been a very good year. i didn't reach all my goals for the year but i did make a lot of progress. i did complete the 5k. i didn't run it all (ran about 1/3 to 1/2 of it). i did manage to land a very good job that i am quite happy in. my bf and i will have been living together almost a year. i stage managed several great shows and had an awesome part in another show. i completed an acting class that was very productive. the best part of my year? the bf. together for over two years now. he's the best part of my life.
the stupidity of the american people in electing a socialist president and disguising it under the umbrella of racism/civil rights. elections are not about the color of skin or the importance of the first this or that. instead they should be about the best choice for the american people.
the stupidity of the sitting president in encouraging the nationalization of the banking, mortgage and auto industries. up to this point i've not had an issue with dubya but these choices were incredibly stupid for a so-called republican.
the ever-growing national debt that is financed by china.
not reaching my weight goal
not getting op's crap out of my house
a certain relationship in my family - can someone really be that blind? shouldn't the "i'm married but i only want to date you if you want to marry me" be a clue that something is not quite right with a person
not reaching my savings goal
losing my grandfather. i miss you terribly pappaw. things aren't the same without you.
the new job
watching my niece and my bf's niece grow older
watching my nephews grow into responsible young men
my theatre family
new friendships
the bf (of course)
so, with the exception of the idiot relationship and the loss of my pappaw it has been a good year overall. the other disappointments (while annoying) really do not matter so much in the long run.
i will have new goals for next year soon.