Saturday, October 10, 2009

Interesting Site and Journal on Uterine Fibroids

this subject is now very much in my radar. i completely feel for this poor woman and the crap she dealt with from several different physicians. i've dealt with their counterparts often in the past (in ob/gyn, psych and ent). the truth is being an informed patient scares most of them but benefits you greatly.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ACORN Awarded DHS Grant for Firefighting

Now, c'mon.  ACORN gets a grant for firefighting in New Orleans?  Does this actually fall under any of their "stated" mission statements.  Wouldn't it have been better for more than one fire department in the state of LA to get a grant rather than throw money at this trash organization?

Are the Polls Actually Showing More Support for Obamacare? It's All in the Questions

 This is a nice piece showing how Gallop has been manipulating data to show more support for a government run health care plan.  Interestingly people are still overwhelmingly opposed to the idea even with manipulated data.

Another Pointless Spending Program

People, please wake up.  $500 is not going to make a difference in the life of your newborn when he or she becomes of age unless you contribute to it monthly.  The increase in taxes in this program will negate any "benefit" you feel when you receive your money.  Not addressed is illegals who have children in the US - will they receive this benefit too?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Not All Flus are the Flu

Interesting week health wise. The bf came home exhausted and sick with an illness that came on suddenly - like the flu - with the same symptoms as the flu. The difference was body temp. His was a rather mild fever instead of a high fever. We did visit the doc to be certain what was wrong, he was tested and it was a nasty flu-like virus instead of the flu. I've since picked up the same bug but am treating it with herbal remedies instead of traditional medication. Today's been rough but i think it's because of the herbs breaking everything up.

So,, if you get sick please be aware that it may not be the flu.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Junk Food Increases Risk of Becoming a Criminal - I Think Not

Ok, this is absurd.  How many kids do you know who eat candy DAILY and are good kids who never commit a crime?  This will just lead to certain foods being taxed as special catagories because of their supposed effect on society.